IT Support for business

IT Support for Business


For Home Workers, SME Businesses, Professionals & Education.

We've been established since the early 90's so you're in safe hands.

We support Mac, iOS, Windows PC, Windows Server, Synology & Chrome OS

Over 30 years experience.

Contact us for a free Support Proposal

Put your trust in Jennings to take care of your IT problems

IT Support with Jennings Computer Services. 
We can proactively support your Mac's, PC's, Servers, and even your Printers, Tablets and Chrome Devices. We'll also assist with your network infrastructure, data backup system, routers and firewalls. From our bases in York and Scarborough we cover all of Yorkshire.

Everyone needs a helping hand from an expert from time to time. With several support plans to choose from there's a plan to suit all budgets and requirements. You'll also benefit from discounted labour rates for non support issues. We can also tailor a bespoke plan specifically for your business.
Get in touch

Support levels to suit all budgets

Pay As You Go Support

'Per incident' support for businesses that prefer ad-hoc assistance

Our Business 'Lite' low cost, simplified support plans are well suited to home workers, business professionals, sole traders and smaller businesses that just need a helping hand once in a while ask for details

Advanced Support

All inclusive, business critical, proactive support plans with rapid response & remote management for small to medium sized businesses ask for details

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